My 23 Resolutions to make 2019 Best Year Yet

“Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love – it would not lead you astray.” Jelaluddin Rumi, 13th-century mystic poetNew Year's Resolutions 2019

  1. Join the 5 a.m. club.
  2. Give up added sugar and keep experimenting with fasting.
  3. Continue working on my personal development and my health goals.
  4. Keep practising yoga & meditation.
  5. Establish the online presence of Go Slow Living. Reach out to more people.
  6. Build Go Slow Living as a brand & an inspiring online space for the “slow” people.
  7. Join forces with other people who would contribute to the building of GoSlow Living.
  8. Post 3 x articles per week.
  9. Travel and see more of the world together with my family.
  10. Keep learning each day.
  11. Play, learn & have fun with my kids.
  12. Be always there for my family.
  13. Move more, do some more swimming, follow boxing class.
  14. Follow First Aid training.
  15. New Year's Resolutions 2019Be more grateful.
  16. Dare, act and put procrastination aside.
  17. Focus!
  18. Spend More Time In Nature.
  19. Enjoy the Little Things. Be more mindful.
  20. Be More Confident. Because I am enough.
  21. Set Aside some more time to draw.
  22. Learn & master Photoshop.
  23. Be Kinder to Me and keep working on creating a Positive Attitude.

“Angels can fly because they take themselves lightly” Gilbert K. Chesterton

As we are in the middle of the second week of  2019 I have already put into practice some of my 2019 resolutions. The others are waiting on my list.

And what about you? What are your 2019 resolutions? I would be very happy if you want to share your thoughts and experiences.

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